We all know that last year was the one of the worst in years in living
memory from all of us freelancers. It is the first time in over 20 years
that I heard sommano people talking about leaving the film industry
Altogether and just as many talking about leaving the UK - fed up with
the cost of living as well as the lack of opportunities in the UK
compared to other throwing areas of the world (from India, to the
Middle East and even China).
And yet…🎥⏰🐝
👉🏼 This is my third proper recession after 2008 (which was great for
me but not too bad actually) and 2014 which I didn’t feel at all.
Last year though, I think most freelancers felt it. Yet in every single one
of these recession, the film and TV industry bounced back with the most
amazing opportunities to be had.
⏰Like every year I had a very quiet January and February. 📞Then the
phone started ringing for enquiries. Swiftly enquiries became jobs;
in the beginning, it was docs and short content. Yesterday (probably
Due to 40% tax credit) I got my first serious enquiry about a
multi-million feature film from a serious player. Interesting, isn’t it? 🤷🏻♂️
👩🏻🎓Independent films are back. Investors are back. Film is back. TV
never went away. The 40% tax credit will have an impact and the jobs
will keep on coming. But let’s just be smart.
💰 Let's have sustainable productions without trying to milk the
independent producers for every penny and have another crisis
soon. 🌍
👉🏼 Independent producers are not Netflix. They have tighter budgets
and cannot pay Netflix rates. But without a new generation of
independent producers willing to take chances on first-time directors,
we cannot have a sustainable industry where not only the ‘sons and
daughters of’ get access to first features opportunities.
And also look around the world. The UK is not the only place to make
a first feature. But it’s not a bad place at all to start 🚀
✅ Join us at our next networking night @London Independent Film
✅ Our Film funding guide is on our website
✅ Our next Producer course starts in June
🌍 Enquiries on our website below.
📞Is your phone ringing???
⭐️ Share your stories?